Home improvement trends 2023
October 2, 2023

Home Renovation: DIY Tips and When to Call in a Professional

DIY tips

When to call in the pros

Carrying out DIY tasks can be daunting if you’re a beginner, but it can also be a rewarding one. There are many things you can do yourself to save money, but there are also some jobs that are best left to the professionals like us, if you’re based in Somerset or Devon anyway!

Here are our top tips for getting any DIY project underway.

Planning is essential. Before you start any work, take some time to plan out your project. Think about budget, time and the quality of the finish you’re aiming to achieve.

Do your research. There’s a wealth of resources online including YouTube tutorials and a whole heap of books on just about every type of DIY project.

Start small. If you’re not experienced with completing your own DIY projects, it’s best to start with small easy ones. This will give you a chance to learn the basics and avoid making costly mistakes on bigger jobs.

If you’re planning on outsourcing some of the work, engage a contractor early on. This will help in terms of project planning and ensuring the right people are in the right place at the right time.

We’d highly recommend bring in professionals for:

Electrical work. Electrical work should only be done by a qualified electrician. There is a high risk of injury or death if electrical work is done incorrectly.

Plumbing. Having anyone but a professional carrying out your plumbing work can have huge implications. There is a risk of flooding or water damage if the work is done incorrectly.

Structural work. Structural work, such as adding beams or supports, should always be the job of a professional. There is a risk of the structure collapsing if work is done incorrectly.

Roofing work. Roofing work carried out incorrectly can have huge ramifications, including leaks or structural damage which can lead to costly repair bills.

We’re a multi service, Somerset based property services company able to deliver a whole host of property service works across Somerset and in to Devon. We’ve seen a lot of DIY fails that could have been prevented with the right engagement from professionals like us at the right stage. Give us a call before you begin any DIY project, you may be surprised how little it costs, especially when you factor in your time and the cost of the tools it takes to get the job done
